Swim Drill – Breaststroke with Water Drills continued and Cobra Drills

Breaststroke with Water Drills continued and Cobra Drills

Head Lead Body Undulation – Arms In the Saddles. Grow the Neck, keep the ribs down, the bellybutton in and up, and the shoulders away from the ears. Do not kick or use legs.  Press the Lungs slightly down into the water and let the energy flow through the body. One inch of water should run over the back. Most common mistakes are not Growing the Neck, Pressing the head instead of the lungs, and punching forward with the chin.

Arm Lead Body Undulation-

Arms do not move but travel slightly under the surface of the water straight out in front of shoulders (beginning of Sweep Out position).  Grow the Neck, keep the ribs down, the bellybutton in and up, and the shoulders away from the ears. Do not kick or use legs.  Press the Lungs slightly down into the water and let the energy flow through the body. One inch of water should run over the back. Most common mistakes are not Growing the Neck, Pressing the head instead of the lungs, and punching forward with the chin.

Sweep Out and Load Body Undulation  –

Establish Arm Lead Body Undulation position. Turn hands out, Sweep Out softly (Neighborhood-25 MPH) to the Corners, Press the face and chest forward and slightly down into the water. The water should run over the back and hips. A slight flutter kick is ok.

Cobra Drills –

1) Add Inward  Sweep and Recovery to Sweep Out and Load Body Undulation Drill. After the Load, turn the palms slightly down and back and begin the Inward Sweep (Freeway- 65 MPH) towards the chin. Slam the hips forward, let the knees bend, and Recover or Shoot arms straight up into the air quickly (Autobahn -100 MPH) at a 90 degree angle. Swimmer will sink straight down with arms fully extended, hips and knees directly under the shoulders, knees bent.

2) Slam the hips forward Recover or Shoot arms forward quickly (Autobahn -100 MPH) at a 45 degree-angle.  Use a Fly kick to re-establish The Line.

3) Slam the hips forward Recover or Shoot arms forward quickly (Autobahn -100 MPH) at a 0 degree angle or towards the end of the pool.  Use a Fly kick to re-establish The Line.

4) Slam the hips forward Recover or Shoot arms forward quickly (Autobahn -100 MPH) at a 0 degree angle or towards the end of the pool. Use a small Breaststroke kick to re-establish The Line.

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