Swimming Game – Glide through the Hula Hoop

What Swimming Skill will be the focus?

Breaststroke Glide

What can we do that gives a challenge to everyone, but allows for failure?

Have one person hold a Hula Hoop and have another swimmer do 2 strokes BR by a certain point and then hold the GLIDE through the hula hoop. Possibly have 3 people with hula hoops stationed down the lane and right before they get to the circle, the swimmer needs to hold a strong GLIDE through the hoop and beyond the standing teammate. Focus on the extended GLIDE

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What can we do to force the swimmers to interact while attempting the skill?

Have some hold hula hoops, have others swim. Rotate through so everyone gets a chance to participate.



What are the clear, obvious, examples of success and failure?

Success: Making it through the hoop without moving any part of body. If Swimmer touches the hula hoop with a body part = DQ / Fail If swimmer moves body while inside the hula hoop (any part of body) = DQ / Fail.

How can the activity be explained the simplest?

Get 3 hula hoops.

1st 3 people in lane each take one hula hoop. Station them at 1st Yellow, 1/2 way, and last yellow. Hold hula hoop vertical so you can swim through the hoop. Hold the top of the hoop just above the water.

1 swimmer will swim BR for 1 length and go through each hoop.

There is no moving your body when you are inside a hoop.

If you move while inside a hoop you get DQ’d. Hold a long GLIDE while going through hoop.

Try to swim focusing on the glide and holding it into a long body line. If you touch a hoop with your body you will be DQ’d.

Need to go through middle of hoop.

Once swimmer has touched the wall, they will take the closest hoop, and shift the swimmers holding hoops towards the start point. Rotate until everyone has had a chance to play.

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