White & Blue 8/28/2020


1 x 100 IM K
1 x 200 BK
1 x 100 FREE
1 x 100 BK K
1 x 50 Position 11: Tell coach jeff the three things to SL and 11 before you go.

Question of the Day:
We know that having a straight and long core (neck, chest, stomach, hips) is essential to fast swimming. How can you “engage your core?” (How can you keep it straight and long while you swim without getting tired?)

Correct: Wiggle like a worm on a hook for 10 seconds.
Wrong: 50 BK K

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Invent your own set.
– Must total up to 300 yards.
– Must include 2 different strokes

3 x 100
6 x 50
4 x 50 + 4 x 25
Any combo of 25’s, 50’s, or 100’s

Handstand rewind
Do it like Backstroke (on your back).

Invent your own set.
– Must total up to 300 yards.
– Must include 2 different strokes

3 x 100
6 x 50
4 x 50 + 4 x 25
Any combo of 25’s, 50’s, or 100’s

Use your hands to push off the wall underwater and “streamline” feet first to the yellow. BONUS make it underwater to the flags.

Like a feet first streamline pushing with hands. HINT: Point toes, lock knees together, squeeze core tight.

Invent your own set.
– Must total up to 300 yards.
– Must include 2 different strokes

3 x 100
6 x 50
4 x 50 + 4 x 25
Any combo of 25’s, 50’s, or 100’s

Swim to 1/2 way.
– SL must be shorter than the flags.
– Only get 2 strokes of FLY
– Only 2 strokes of FREE
– Only 2 strokes of BK before lifeguard hole in wall.

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